Why do Narcissists Refuse to Back Down?


And they will not pardon you. Instead, they turn to passive-aggressive behaviors such as their silent treatments, inaction, ghosting, back-handed compliments, procrastination, and more. But what you will realize is that they prefer to look for sneaky ways to punish people. They foolishly choose to hold on to negativity rather than honestly talk things out or let go.

They would be tense, silent, or abrupt with you instead of saying what is on their mind. And if you approach them directly to find out if anything is wrong, they would insist that they are ok or that there are no issues or hard feelings.

And even if you do pinpoint and tell them exactly what it is that may have caused the change in them, they would deny it or say that it was so long ago. Or that they’ve already forgotten about it, or just don’t care about it, when that is the very reason why they have this negative attitude towards you.

But all you will get are excuses; they usually do not want to admit that they are still holding on to a past offense. When you confront a Narcissist about these passive-aggressive behaviors it alerts them to how they are being perceived and they are likely to adjust so that you won’t be able to use it against them. Their goal to punish you hasn’t changed just their tactics.

So, they would make an effort to warm up to you and convince you that they are ok with you, but they are not. Narcissists are cowards. They would prefer to plot and scheme and slander someone than just go to them and let them know that they have offended them.

Read More:

10 Weird Habits That Make Covert Narcissists So Dangerous To Be With

9 Signs That Your Narcissistic Ex Is Stalking You

How to Make Narcissists Regret Every Bad Thing They’ve Done?

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