What will narcissists do when Realizes That They Lost YOU?


Number 9: Self-reflection.

Albeit superficial, narcissists struggle with self-reflection. But sometimes, they pretend to reflect when they realize they’ve lost you. They might apologize and admit their mistakes, but it’s usually not genuine. Their self-reflection is shallow and lacks genuine introspection.

Narcissists do this to make you think they’ve changed and can improve. However, it’s just a trick to regain trust and manipulate emotions. They want to seem sorry and redirect the blame. Ultimately, it’s all about their selfish desire for control and power over you. How do narcissists use superficial reflection to manipulate others?

Number 10: Moving on quickly.

Narcissists see relationships as transactions and easily replaceable. When they realize they’ve lost you, they move on quickly, seeking admiration and attention from someone else to fill the void. Narcissists are thrust into new relationships to prove they are desirable and unaffected by the breakup. Moving on fast helps them avoid dealing with their emotions and the reality of the situation.

They want validation from others and use these new connections to boost their ego by appearing unbothered and finding a replacement swiftly. Narcissists try to make you feel insignificant and regret leaving them. It’s their way of staying in control and protecting their fragile self-esteem. How do narcissists use quick replacements to manipulate their ex-partners?

When narcissists confront the reality of what they have lost, their responses can range from denial and gaslighting to manipulation and projection. It is essential to recognize these patterns and protect yourself from further harm. Remember, understanding their behavior is crucial in breaking free from their grip and building a healthier future for yourself.

Read More: When an Empath Is Angry, These Are 10 Cruel Ways Empaths Will Do To Narcissists

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