What will narcissists do when Realizes That They Lost YOU?


Number 6: Victimhood.

Narcissists often resort to playing the victim as a way to dodge accountability. They aim to elicit sympathy and attention by painting themselves as the ones who have been mistreated, even if they were responsible for the relationship’s demise. Narcissists twist the narrative to portray themselves as the suffering party. Their goal? Manipulating your emotions and making you feel guilty for walking away.

And they may exaggerate their hardships, presenting themselves as helpless and needing support. Through playing the victim, they seek to gain your sympathy and plant seeds of doubt about your decision to leave them. What else would narcissists do to avoid taking responsibility?


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Number 7: Hoovering.

When narcissists realize they’ve lost you, they often resort to hoovering. This strategy involves contacting you, pretending to have changed, or expressing remorse for their past actions. Narcissists shower you with compliments, gifts, and promises, hoping to lure you back into their lives.

They’ll try to evoke nostalgia and remind you of the good times you shared. By exploiting your emotions and vulnerabilities, narcissists aim to tempt you into giving them another chance. Hoovering is a manipulative ploy to regain power and ensure you don’t move on without them.

Number 8: Triangulation.

When narcissists realize they’ve lost you, they’ll pull a sneaky move called triangulation. Narcissists bring a third person into their relationship, creating competition and jealousy. Their goal is to regain control over you. They’ll introduce someone new, like a romantic interest or a mutual acquaintance, making you insecure and unsure.

They’ll go on and on about how great this person is, making you question your worth. Can you believe they’d go to such lengths to keep you hooked and make you feel like you’re missing out on something precious? It’s their twisted way of holding on to power even after you’ve walked away.

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