What will narcissists do when Realizes That They Lost YOU?


Number 4: Grandiosity.

Once they realize they’ve lost you, narcissists often resort to exaggerated self-promotion to uphold their inflated self-worth. Narcissists go to great lengths to exaggerate their achievements, talents, and importance, all in an attempt to boost their ego. By showing their superiority, they aim to make you feel inferior and regret leaving them.

Narcissists seek admiration and validation from others and engage in grandiosity to attract attention. This defense mechanism serves to conceal their deep-seated insecurities and feelings of worthlessness. Ultimately, their actions stem from a desire to convince themselves and others that they are better off without you, making it seem like losing them was your loss.

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Number 5: Manipulation.

Manipulation is a skill that narcissists excel at. When they realize you’re pulling away, they’ll use it as a tool for control. Narcissists guilt-trip you, making you feel responsible for your pain and suffering. Playing mind games, manipulate your emotions and thoughts, leaving you confused and weakened. They don’t hesitate to twist the truth or lie outright, causing you to doubt your perceptions. Ever heard of love bombing?

They’ll shower you with affection and attention, hoping you’ll reconsider. Narcissists exploit your vulnerabilities and insecurities and use them against you to regain power. So, what is their aim through all this manipulation? You got it. They want to regain control and keep you within their grasp.

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