What The Narcissist Will Still Do After You Die


What The Narcissist Will Still Do After You Die

Once a Narcissist has initiated a Smear Campaign it never ends. And the Smear Campaign is a numbers game for the Narcissist. So, the more flying monkeys they can recruit to spread lies about you the better. This is why even if the Narcissist died the flying monkeys will continue the work. But also, on the flip side if the victim dies the Smear Campaign still does not end as the Narcissist will continue to tarnish their memory.

They don’t ever want anyone to come along later on and think well of you. They want their lies about you to remain forever. Narcissists have no respect for the dead. They will still slander and gossip about the individual, they will make jokes and laugh about their demise. They will speak of them with such bitterness and hatred that if they could bring them back to kill them again, they would. It’s one thing if the person deserved it but when it comes to Narcissists a lot of their anger and hatred is not justified.

And in some cases, their hate for someone is only revealed after that person has passed on. So, while they were alive the narcissists pretended to care but after they died it becomes clear that not only did the Narcissist never care but that they wholeheartedly resented that person.

But to conclude Narcissists are paranoid, hateful, unforgiving, sadistic beings that will still seek to spread lies and negativity about you even when you are gone. Because even though the person is not physically around to be affected by what the Narcissist is doing just knowing that they can control how others view you or remember you are still important to them. So, if the memory of you cannot be blotted out, for the good they will ensure it is thoroughly tarnished.

Read More: 8 Stages of the Super Empath Supernova to Eradicate Narcissists!

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