What The Narcissist Will Still Do After You Die


The Issue of Revenge

We have to remember that Narcissists feed off of negativity as well and it is their preferred source of Narcissistic Supply. As some people say Narcissists are Sadistic. They take pleasure in inflicting pain, punishment, or humiliation on others. Another reason why they continually seek revenge is that they do not forgive. Offending a Narcissist is not difficult at all because they are very petty and insecure. But once you have offended them that is it. There is nothing you can do to make them forgive you or change their mind from hurting you. Your fate is sealed.

The Narcissist has you marked for destruction. So, no matter how much they act unbothered or play nice and pretend to care they are still plotting your downfall or just waiting for the right opportunity to kick you while you are down. Because in the mind of the Narcissist no matter how small the actual grievance it is amplified or magnified from their point of view. And because the Narcissist is already paranoid and super defensive thinking everyone is out to get them that small offense is confirmation to the Narcissist that you are indeed a threat. You are the enemy.

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