What Narcissist Thinks to Do When They Can’t Beat You?


However, if you extend your assistance, they will discard you with little regard, viewing it as a gesture of gratitude. Remorse is a rarity in their conscience after committing wrongdoing. Stay ever vigilant; narcissists will go to great lengths to deceive you, employing claims of love or painting themselves as victims; all to manipulate your perception.

When they succeed in belittling someone as strong as you, they revel in their perceived superiority, bolstering their ego. Once they have gathered sufficient information from you, they will strike from behind, casting you aside without hesitation. If that isn’t enough, they have another method to bring you down.

Such individuals will feign respect, affection, and a desire to learn from you. Even though narcissists lack genuine control, they possess the ability to execute calculated actions. Due to your intellect and strong facade, they are unable to unearth your vulnerabilities and secrets. Consequently, if they cannot focus their attention on you directly, they may redirect it towards those around you.

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What Narcissists Will Do When It’s Hard To Control You?

10 Signs A Narcissist Is Discarding You

10 Things That Make Narcissists Afraid Of You

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