What Happens When You Finally Expose The Narcissist Mask?


The narcissist will try anything to make you feel something. If you answer, the narcissist will feel more confident that they can control you. They are more likely to push these buttons because it makes them feel like they still have an emotional stake in the situation. As soon as you can, cut off all ties with the narcissist.

Pay more attention to your mental and physical health. The more we spend time with narcissists, the worse it is for us long-term. If we decide to pay more attention to ourselves and less attention to the narcissist, it can make a big difference.


When we realize that the narcissist doesn’t deserve our love or attention, we stop worrying about what other people think of us. Narcissistic relationships can last for months, years, or even decades, and knowing that you are in one can be stressful. But it’s also an opportunity to get your freedom and happiness back.

It doesn’t help to stick your head in the sand or hold on to the hope that things will get better. Neither of these ideas is worth your time. If you don’t decide to be responsible for what you do, nothing else will change.

Read More: 10 Signs A Narcissist Is Manipulating You

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