What Happens When You Finally Expose The Narcissist Mask?


Even if they know the word, narcissists don’t care what other people think about them because they think that what they do is neither good nor bad. Your only action will be to show them your hand, which they will use to their advantage. This is not a good idea, even if these may be your last words before you die. Before You Die,

I wouldn’t say anything in the hopes that the narcissist will realize they were wrong, apologize, and make things right. In this case, nothing like that will happen. Once you find out that someone is narcissistic, you shouldn’t tell them how much pain they’ve caused you. If anything, it would give them pleasure and a sense of success to know that they were able to hurt you so much.

They won’t be made to feel the least bit bad about themselves. Keep in mind that narcissists don’t care about you, even if they seem nice. They like how much pain you’re giving them. When you know you’re dealing with a narcissist, don’t tell them you’re aware of how they act or that you’re planning to leave. You’ve already admitted that the narcissist won’t help you move on with your life, so there’s nothing else to say. You should tell as little as possible about yourself to a narcissist.

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