What Happens When You Finally Expose The Narcissist Mask?


The first people to find out about their lies are their closest friends and family. When you realize that your interactions are being driven by an insatiable narcissist, you need to take a different approach. That means you won’t be able to keep talking to them the same way. If they chose to do this, it would only hurt and disappoint them.

I also want to stress that it doesn’t help to love a narcissist in the hopes that they will change. You might find that tough love helps you deal with narcissists, but it won’t work if the narcissist is an adult because scolding a narcissist will only make them angry, which will make things even worse.

They don’t like being told no or getting in trouble because they don’t like being criticized. They can’t see anything but the problem is you because narcissists are always looking for new people to control and dominate. Your reputation will get worse much more quickly, and people will forget about you.

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