What are the Demonic Spirits Behind Narcissism?


Number 3: The Fog of Chaos, is rather an interesting one.

The fog of chaos this spirit induces confusion and binds the narcissist with the harm they cause. They justify all the bad things they do to others. Narcissists are very aware of what they are doing and how their actions are impacting people in their lives. They know what the consequences are, but they do not care.

They are not moved by your tears yes, they do not have empathy, we know that from the psychological point of view, but from the spiritual point of view, it binds them with the harm, making them the living, breathing manifestation of harm. Harm and the narcissist become one when that happens.

The narcissist becomes purely evil because they stop recognizing what they are doing. In other words, they stop caring about the harm they’re causing. They find it completely okay to cause pain, exploit others, betray, cheat, destroy, wreak havoc, to do whatever they want to, and just find it completely fine to do as long as those things are not directly impacting them.

The worst thing they find it amusing. Where is that sadism coming from? Where is that joy coming from when they see you in pain? It is made worse by the presence of this fog of confusion.

Number 4: The Harsh Critical Judge.

This kind of spirit completely normalizes being grandiose, and entitled, and making it seem like they are better than the rest. This spirit is constantly lying to the narcissist that you are amazing, you’re great, you’re better than the rest while deceiving them without telling them actually how big of harm they’re causing to the narcissist’s identity.

Why? Because the narcissist stays stuck in that thought process of ‘I am better,’ that prevents them from truly connecting with others, which then leads to extreme loneliness. They never get to experience love, they never get to be vulnerable, and they never get to connect with others at a heart-to-heart, at a deep level.

This spirit lets them stay in this illusion of grandiosity, thinking they are better, only to realize that they are the worst of the worst later, then the reality strikes them they are their enemy, and this is the real proof of it. They harbor this hatred towards others, and that is made worse by all of these different aspects, by all of that dark energy.

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