12 Weird Behaviors of Wives Abused by Narcissistic Husbands


Number 11: Over-Apologizing.

It is a coping mechanism developed by wives to navigate the unpredictable terrain of narcissistic relationships. The constant need to appease and avoid conflict results in excessive use of apologies, even for situations where they bear no fault.

Consider a wife who apologizes profusely for minor incidents or things beyond her control. This over-apologizing is not a reflection of her wrongdoing but a response to the constant need to diffuse tension and prevent escalation in the abusive relationship. Each apology becomes a shield against potential emotional attacks.

Number 12: Inability to Make Decisions.

Narcissistic partners exert control over every aspect of their spouse’s life, leading to an inability to make decisions independently. Wives may struggle to trust their judgment, fearing the consequences of making the wrong choice and inviting further manipulation.

Imagine a wife who hesitates to make even the simplest decisions, constantly seeking validation or approval. This indecision is not a lack of capability but a learned helplessness resulting from a narcissistic partner’s consistent undermining of her choices. The fear of making the wrong decision and facing repercussions perpetuates the cycle of dependency.

Read More: 10 Phrases That Scream “This Is A Narcissist”

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