12 Weird Behaviors of Wives Abused by Narcissistic Husbands


Number 9: Frequent Head or Body Aches.

Stress is a formidable adversary, and wives subjected to narcissistic abuse often experience frequent headaches or body aches as a direct consequence. The emotional toll of the abusive relationship manifests physically, leading to persistent discomfort.

Consider a wife who regularly complains of headaches or body aches. These physical symptoms are not isolated incidents but are linked to the ongoing stress and emotional strain she faces at home. The body responds to the psychological distress, creating a cycle of physical discomfort that mirrors the invisible scars of narcissistic abuse.

Number 10: Avoidance of Eye Contact.

Avoidance of eye contact becomes a prevalent behavior in wives enduring narcissistic abuse. The constant belittlement and manipulation erode self-esteem, making direct eye contact an uncomfortable and threatening experience.

Imagine a wife who, during conversations, consistently avoids making eye contact. It’s not shyness but a learned response to years of enduring a partner’s critical gaze. Direct eye contact is an invitation for further scrutiny and a potential emotional attack, prompting her to look away as a protective measure.

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