12 Weird Behaviors of Wives Abused by Narcissistic Husbands


Number 4: Unexpected Strong Emotions.

Wives may experience sudden bursts of anger, frustration, or overwhelming sadness, seemingly unrelated to the immediate circumstances. These strong emotions are a result of the ongoing manipulation and gaslighting, pushing them to their emotional limits.

Imagine a wife who, in a seemingly calm conversation, suddenly expresses intense anger or frustration. These strong emotions are not irrational; they are a response to the constant emotional manipulation experienced at the hands of a narcissistic partner. The unpredictability of these outbursts mirrors the chaotic nature of the abusive relationship.

Number 5: Loss of Appetite.

Narcissistic abuse takes a toll not only on emotional well-being but also on physical health. A common manifestation is the loss of appetite, as the stress and anxiety associated with the abusive relationship interfere with the wife’s ability to enjoy and engage with food.

Consider a wife who, once a lover of hearty meals, now struggles to eat. The weight of constant emotional manipulation has created a knot in her stomach, making the act of eating an ordeal. Loss of appetite becomes a physical manifestation of the psychological distress she endures, leaving her feeling physically and emotionally drained.

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