9 Ways To Crush A Narcissist


Number 4: Challenge their ideologies.

Narcissists often think they’re always right. They have rigid ideologies or beliefs about themselves and the world around them. Challenging these beliefs can be like poking holes in their armor. Psychologist Dr. Craig Malkin has studied narcissism and says that questioning a narcissist’s ideals can cause them distress because they want to maintain their perfect image. Imagine you’re dealing with a friend who’s a bit of a narcissist and always insists they’re the most intelligent person in the room.

You could challenge their ideology by asking questions like, ‘What about when you didn’t know the answer to that question last week?’ or ‘Can you think of a time when you learned something new from someone else?’ By doing this, you’re not attacking them but making them think and consider other perspectives. It could bring them down to earth.

Number 5: Stay calm in the face of narcissistic rage or drama.

Narcissists often display behaviors like rage and drama that can be frustrating. But one quick way to handle them is by staying calm. When they’re throwing a fit, narcissists thrive on attention and control. When they can’t control a situation or get the emotional reaction they want, they might resort to dramatic outbursts or even rage. But if you stay calm, you’re not giving them the satisfaction they crave.

Dr. Ramani Durvasula often advises this approach. She says staying calm can help you maintain mental and emotional well-being when dealing with a narcissist. It’s like not adding fuel to the fire. When you react emotionally to their drama or rage, it only escalates the situation. But remaining composed can disarm them because they don’t get the emotional response they hoped for.

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