Strange Messaging Habits of Narcissists!


Messaging with a narcissist is never a pleasant experience because they exhibit peculiar and often unsettling behaviors that don’t make sense. They use this mode of communication as a tool to punish, manipulate, abuse, and further corner you. They engage in behaviors that you or anyone who isn’t a narcissist would never consider. But what exactly am I talking about? What are these behaviors? Let’s find out in today’s topic.

So, let’s get started with these 5 strange habits of narcissists:

1. They Expect You to Respond Instantly

Narcissists expect you to respond to their messages almost immediately within seconds, if possible. They live in a delusional world where they believe you should always be available, even though that’s impossible. They are impulsive and crave instant gratification.

If you don’t respond quickly, they might delete the messages after sending them, which can leave you feeling anxious and confused. You might find yourself wondering, “What did they say? Sorry, I wasn’t available.” Then they’ll drag it out, making sure you’re punished for not responding promptly. They might make you cry, punishing you in the most hurtful ways possible.

Another possibility is that they bombard you with messages like: “Answer me, where have you been?” or “So now you’re playing mind games with me, aren’t you? Let’s see who cries first.” They may even accuse you of cheating on them or throw all kinds of wild accusations your way. They can’t understand that you might be busy or unable to talk at that moment.

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