Messaging with a narcissist is never a pleasant experience because they exhibit peculiar and often unsettling behaviors that don’t make sense. They use this mode of communication as a tool to punish, manipulate, abuse, and further corner you. They engage in behaviors that you or anyone who isn’t a narcissist would never consider. But what exactly am I talking about? What are these behaviors? Let’s find out in today’s topic.
So, let’s get started with these 5 strange habits of narcissists:
1. They Expect You to Respond Instantly
Narcissists expect you to respond to their messages almost immediately within seconds, if possible. They live in a delusional world where they believe you should always be available, even though that’s impossible. They are impulsive and crave instant gratification.
If you don’t respond quickly, they might delete the messages after sending them, which can leave you feeling anxious and confused. You might find yourself wondering, “What did they say? Sorry, I wasn’t available.” Then they’ll drag it out, making sure you’re punished for not responding promptly. They might make you cry, punishing you in the most hurtful ways possible.
Another possibility is that they bombard you with messages like: “Answer me, where have you been?” or “So now you’re playing mind games with me, aren’t you? Let’s see who cries first.” They may even accuse you of cheating on them or throw all kinds of wild accusations your way. They can’t understand that you might be busy or unable to talk at that moment.
They need you to be available, as I explained earlier, and these relentless messages will soon turn into incessant calls sometimes dozens or even hundreds within a short time frame. It’s overwhelming, and you might think, “How am I supposed to deal with this? What does this mean?” If you finally answer one of these calls or messages, you’ll likely be met with a barrage of abuse. Hell will break loose, and they’ll ensure you pay for the ‘mistake’ of ignoring them.
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5 Tell Tale Signs Of Narcissistic Collapse
One thing to be clear about is that context always matters. Someone who is trauma-bonded to a narcissist might exhibit similar behavior repeatedly calling or messaging in desperation because they are being abandoned and just want some reassurance.
In this case, the trauma-bonded survivor is not a narcissist, despite exhibiting similar behaviors. The context and intentions are different. The narcissist might also use the silent treatment to provoke you into calling or messaging them more than usual. So, just because you might exhibit a similar pattern of behavior doesn’t mean you’re a narcissist.
2. They Rarely Ask About You
For a narcissist, every conversation, whether in person or digital, revolves around them. They rarely ask about you because, to them, the focus should always be on their needs and desires. Even if they start with a polite “Hi, how are you?” the conversation will inevitably shift back to them. It often turns into a monotonous monologue about their lives.
A grandiose narcissist will boast about their achievements and paint themselves as the hero in every story. A vulnerable narcissist, on the other hand, will play the victim, complaining about how everyone has wronged them, and they’ll expect you to fix their problems.
3. They Intentionally Message You at Inconvenient Times
This is one of the most manipulative behaviors of a narcissist. They will deliberately message you when you’re busy, whether you’re working, in a meeting, studying, or attending to an important matter. They demand your attention at the most inconvenient times because, in their minds, nothing should be more important than them.
They might even fabricate a false emergency to trap you into responding. For example, they might say something alarming like, “So-and-so had to be taken to the hospital. It’s an emergency, but I see you’re not available.” Then they’ll delete the message after ensuring you’ve seen it, leaving you anxious and desperate for more information. This tactic is designed to exploit your empathy.
Once you discover that nothing happened, you’ll be furious, but they’ll twist the situation, saying things like, “I just wanted a little attention. I did it for us, and all I get from you is anger. You’re abusing me.” They’ll make you feel guilty, forcing you to soothe them while unknowingly betraying yourself.
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Super Empath vs Greater Narcissist, Shocking Insights from a Real Narcissist Inside!
10 Reasons Why Narcissists Want To Harm and Destroy Other People
Revenge On The Narcissist – Here’s How You Get It
4. They Don’t Fully Read Your Messages
Narcissists rarely read your entire message. They’ll scan it quickly, looking for something they can twist and use against you. They won’t bother to fully understand your opinion or point of view. Instead, they’ll latch onto a few words, fabricate a narrative, and create drama out of thin air. This behavior is a way to avoid taking responsibility for their actions while keeping you engaged in endless explanations.
Everything triggers a narcissist due to their fragile ego, and your text will likely be perceived as criticism. They’ll twist your words, turn the tables, and make it seem like you’re attacking them. This is why sending long messages explaining your feelings or asking for change is futile they don’t care enough to read and understand.
5. They Overuse Specific Emojis
Narcissists often overuse certain emojis, especially the winking face, the kissing face, or the two-eyes emoji. Please don’t misunderstand; not everyone who uses these emojis is a narcissist. However, narcissists often become obsessed with expressing themselves through these specific emojis. They might also frequently use the devil face emoji or the yawning face emoji. These emojis can serve as subtle messages about who they are or what they’re thinking without actually saying it.
For example, sending the kissing face repeatedly can be a form of love bombing, while the two eyes emoji might suggest, “I’m watching you.” The devil face emoji is their way of expressing something evil or sinister while making it seem playful or cute.
The yawning face emoji is their way of saying you’re boring or that they’re uninterested in what you’re saying. When we look at these behaviors collectively, they tell us one thing: narcissists lack empathy, they don’t care, and they’ll use anything to manipulate, abuse, or extract supply from you.
Read More: 13 phrases that the narcissist hates!
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