How To Keep a Narcissist From Leaving You?


It might be that you form the view that something is better than nothing. That is emotional thinking. It might be that you think, well, although things aren’t good at the moment, they were once magical and wonderful, and with a bit of effort, we can both get back to that. That is emotional thinking.

You might think, well, I don’t want them to leave because it’ll create financial problems for me or difficulties for the children. Again, at first blush, they may look like legitimate reasons, but they are not. Your emotional thinking is seizing hold of those issues to utilize fear to keep you in place.

It might be that you believe that, notwithstanding the unpleasant behavior that the narcissist metes out toward you, there is some good in there. There is not, and that is emotional thinking.

There is no logical reason to maintain a relationship with the narcissist. And there is no logical reason to try and keep a narcissist from leaving you.

So, the first point is that if you are thinking, “Is there some way that I can keep a narcissist from leaving me?” you need to ask yourself, “Why on earth am I thinking that way?” The answer is your addiction to the narcissist as a consequence of being an empath results in the creation of emotional thinking, which in turn generates flawed logic, making you think that your decision-making is sound when it patently is not when viewed by an objective individual and affected by your emotional thinking.


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