How Covert Narcissists Use HUMOUR?


Number 3: A covert narcissist uses humor as a cover-up.

They use it to excuse their behavior. Expect this even from those who are not usually the humorous type. Covert narcissists are not perfect, and they do slip up and reveal their darker side to the unsuspecting very often. But they are always gauging our responses to them.

So, if they realize they have just said something that could expose them or something not very favorable about someone else, and the listening party does not agree or take it nicely, they will quickly try and cover it up by saying that they were just joking. They then try to quickly change the conversation to something else. I have experienced narcissists doing this many times.

And their excuse is that they were just being humorous and that they didn’t mean it like that, or that you may have misunderstood, or how dare you think that they mean it that way? Or better yet, that you don’t have a sense of humor. They expect that once they say it’s a joke, nothing else should be said of the matter.

Covert narcissists are very deceptive and cannot be trusted. Even humor, they would use to accomplish their evil deeds or mask their evil behaviors. Their eyes are usually not connected with their smiles. Their eyes are usually cold, even lifeless, no matter how big the smile or loud the laughter.

Everything is strategic and planned. Narcissists want to humiliate and devalue others by making them the butt of their jokes. But they would seek to destroy you if you do it to them.

Read More: 2 Things a Covert Narcissist Does Not Want You To Know

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