How Covert Narcissists Use HUMOUR?


Number 2: A covert narcissist would use humor as a bit more destructive.

This is where they use it to devalue their victims in public. They can say and do simple things under the banner of “Oh, I was just playing” or “It was just a joke.” They would humiliate and embarrass their victims under the pretense of it being good fun. They act as if it’s all innocent, but they know their agenda is to get others to laugh and make fun of their victim.

They also know that what they are joking about is something that the victim is insecure about, but they pretend that it’s all innocent. And the victim is usually left broken and hurt that not only the narcissist has chosen to make fun of something they are insecure about, but others joined in as well. The others may not know the true damage they are causing, but that is exactly what the narcissist wants.

Because the covert narcissist’s objective is only to embarrass and hurt their victim. And of course, when placed in a situation like this, most people would want to play along because everyone else is laughing. So, it is natural for them, the victims, to act as if it’s not a big deal either, even though they are hurting inside. But this type of response is what empowers the narcissist to do it again and again and again. I had this done to me once before.

I knew she was a narcissist, so I pulled her aside privately and let her know that I wasn’t happy and didn’t think it was appropriate. And of course, her excuse was that she was just joking and I needed to lighten up. She gave her half-assed apology, then ran back and let the others know that I complained. But she didn’t do it again in front of my face. But she continued belittling me behind my back.

But the point is, nothing a narcissist does is ever innocent. There is always a hidden agenda, and it’s usually not a good one. That’s why; if you know someone is a covert narcissist, do not entertain them in their gossip or in making fun of other people.


10 Things Narcissists Do During Silent Treatment

10 Behaviors of People Who Experienced Mental Abuse from Narcissists

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