Avoid Making These 6 Mistakes Around the Narcissist


Number 1: Your emotions feed the Narcissist.

The first thing you should not do is cry. Narcissists do not have empathy, and you should never seek sympathy from a Narcissist because they have none to give. They feed off of negativity and the pain of others. So, when you cry around a Narcissist, it is just you feeding that sinister ego of theirs. Your tears do not move the Narcissist. It makes them feel good and even powerful in that moment you show yourself to be weak.

Number 2: Speak Up!

The second thing you should not do around a Narcissist is support their lies. They are constantly lying, so it should be easy to catch them in a lie or two. But you should challenge them. Never stand by quietly or even support what they say. If you ever have doubts about a past event, don’t just agree with the Narcissist that it happened as they say.

Let it be known that you either do not remember or, if you are sure of what happened, don’t be afraid to disagree with what they are saying. Narcissists hate opposition of any kind. But it is best to speak up or challenge them in what they say. .

No matter how much they try to downplay their lies, act like it is all a big joke, or nudge you to play along, don’t. Otherwise, their lies will get bigger, and you will be viewed as an accomplice.

Read More:

5 Tell Tale Signs Of Narcissistic Collapse

10 Reasons Narcissists Don’t Like Being At Home

Strange Behaviors of Children Abused by Narcissistic Parents

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