8 Tips On How To Stay Happy In A Narcissistic Relationship


Sometimes certain circumstances require you to stay in a relationship with a narcissist. When this is the case, it is critical to understand healthy methods of dealing with and protecting yourself against the narcissist in your life. In this article, we will discuss how to be happy in your relationship with a narcissistic person.

Number 1: Try to introduce empathy to your partner, your lover, and your spouse.

You have to get them to see and basically put themselves in your shoes so they can actually understand the feelings that you’re having. So, try to introduce empathy to your narcissistic person. And all of these things are going to take work. It’s not like you introduce the concept, and then never have to bring it up again.

There’s going to be constant work if you want your relationship to work and also if you want your narcissistic partner not to be so narcissistic anymore or at least get them to see when they are being narcissistic and make reality in themselves.

Number 2: Challenge them.

You can challenge them in a soft manner, quote/unquote. Don’t always go along with their plan, program, and system, especially if you don’t want to do those things. You have the right to use your power in your note. So challenge them a little bit if you can, if you feel comfortable in doing that.

Number 3: Don’t allow the name calling and insults

The third thing that I want to bring to your attention is a lot of times narcissistic people, can do the name-calling and insults and everything, and you don’t want that to be allowed in your relationship.

So you have to speak up and say something about that. If it’s not working for you, specifically on how they’re talking to you, or whatever it is, you have to speak up for yourself.

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Number 4: Only take responsibility for things that are actually your fault.

Because you’re dealing with a narcissistic person who loves to use manipulation or turn things around on you, you think that it was your fault and what happened. You have to realize that’s what’s going on and not take fault or not say sorry for those specific things that you know are not your fault; because you have to realize that they are turning things around on you.

Number 5: Don’t react to their outbursts.

It’s probably going to happen more often than you personally would like, but don’t react to the outbursts. And my best story to go along with this, children do, and when you don’t recognize the crying, screaming, falling out, temper tantrums is the word I’m looking for.

When you don’t recognize any of that stuff, what they end up doing, they stop. You know if it’s in a safe environment in your home or whatever, you walked away from them. You let them do what they needed to do as far as throwing that temper tantrum, and then you just walked away from them.

That’s the same thing that you have to do with the outburst of the narcissist, the person that you’re dealing with. Just move over, and live. Let them have their moment by themselves, and you walk out of the room or do what you need to do.

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Number 6: Refuses to be gaslighted which is when they are confronted about their behavior they start to bring up all your past faults leaving you confused

Don’t let them get away with doing that, once you start bringing up their bad behavior, then they start to change everything around. You start bringing up all your past and what you used to do.

By the time they’re finished dogging you out, insulting you in this particular moment, you’re thinking, “What did I actually do to deserve this? Like, did I actually cause this?”

Because they use manipulation once again, that word. They use manipulation against you to think and to make you feel like it was your fault because you brought up their bad behavior.

Number 7: Stop things from getting so personal when you do confront them.

Only address the facts. Don’t make it personal, straight to the point. Not this long-drawn-out explanation or this long-drawn-out story. Just make it streamlined or straight to the point from the point; A to point B.

Get there quickly, faster than the herd. And I would say do it in that moment, honestly because a lot of times when we try to bring things up later on, we don’t have any idea what the other person is talking about.

When the picture for them is vivid, is very clear, it is right there in their minds, but you’re looking like, or you’re trying to figure out what happened, you know, why they are bringing up this thing that happened weeks ago, months ago.

When they should have been addressed right away? So if you can address it right away, they’ll know exactly what you’re talking about in that moment. No guessing, needing anything.

Number 8: Love yourself more than you love them

Especially with all of these seemingly bad behaviors, but again, if you can deal with this type of thing, then just try to make sure that you are making yourself happy as the priority and not you putting yourself in the background.

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