Number 4: They Take Your Every Action As Personal
There is no such thing as an innocent mistake, oversight, or other explanation in the malignant narcissist’s world. Most of the time, when you get their order wrong or laugh at them in a joking way, it could trigger them, which causes them to be angry and violent towards you. It may be due to their high sense of self-importance, but when someone does not deal with the malignant narcissists, expect the latter will take it as a personal offense.
Even staring at them for a long time can cause them to act out. A malignant narcissist’s judgment is either black or white—foe or ally, winner or loser. But it’s still too hard to understand when you see them execute their so-called judgment towards other people. I guess understanding how they see things isn’t enough. We must also be able to conclude how they will react. That way, you can get away from their list of targets.
Number 5: They Thirst For Revenge
We all know that narcissists are competitive people. When someone dares to challenge them, they will surely destroy that person. Malignant narcissists, on the other hand, breathe on revenge. Considering this, we can think of malignant narcissists as incarnate vengeful spirits. They take pleasure in hurting people mentally or physically and lack remorse for harming them. The cause for this may have come from their extreme aggression and violence.
Understanding why they have become like this could take years. How can you understand someone who is always on the verge of losing themselves? But a broken and traumatizing childhood is always a good guess. Attempting to treat them as human beings is a noble thing to do, but continuing to do so when you’re already being taken advantage of is a foolish thing to do.
Read More: 5 Weird S**exua**l Habits of a Narcissist
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