8 Reasons Why Narcissists Hate Being Ignored


Number 7: It makes them doubt their abilities and skills.

One of the most essential things a narcissist needs to do is to convince themselves that they are unique, talented, and more important than anyone else. When people ignore them, it can make them feel like they are not special, which they cannot bear.

Narcissists often try to draw attention to them by doing something dramatic or outrageous to get noticed, they may even create an emergency to ensure everyone pays attention to them and sees their importance.

When narcissists don’t get the feedback they want, they start to doubt themselves and their abilities. This can lead to frustration, especially when the narcissist tries hard to be noticed.

Number 8: It makes them feel they lose control over their victims.

They need to feel like they’re in control of everything around them, from how their victims behave to how much attention they get from others. When you ignore them, you’re breaking their rules and challenging their Authority, which narcissists cannot tolerate.

If you ignore narcissists, they will feel like you are breaking the game’s rules. They will think you infringe on their rights and most allow such behavior to happen again. And they want their partner to be submissive and compliant.

So, when their partner doesn’t act as they want, it’s upsetting for them. To show that they still have control over your life and ensure they don’t lose it again, they’ll do whatever it takes to ensure everyone knows just how much power they wield in this situation.

We need to realize that we don’t have to give up our sense of self and our ability to be independent just because someone else has tried to manipulate us into doing so. Narcissists hate to be ignored because they need attention and validation; they have an insatiable desire for admiration, and will often try to get it through any means necessary.

This can include manipulation, bullying, or even physical violence if their demands are unmet, they thrive on attention. So, when they can’t get it from one source, they’ll find another. That’s why it’s important to maintain boundaries with narcissists and not let their behavior affect you too much.

Read More: 4 Things That Can Make You Useful To The Narcissist

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