8 Reasons Why Narcissists Hate Being Ignored


Number 1: It reminds them that they are not the center of attention.

If you’ve ever dealt with a narcissist, you know that they’re all about attention. Narcissists love to be the center of attention and hate it when someone else gets more attention than they do.

They live in a world where they believe that everyone is focused on them, and they don’t like to have their delusions Shattered by the reality that they don’t always have people fawning over them and listening while they talk about themselves.

And they are used to being the best at everything, school, work, relationships, and especially when it comes to attention. When people ignore them or fail to recognize their greatness in some way, it hurts their feelings and self-esteem.

Narcissists want to be recognized as unique, so when you ignore them you’re telling them that they‘re not important enough for you to pay attention to. This can make them feel angry, sad, or both.

Number 2: It’s a reminder that not everyone cares about them.

Narcissists have huge Egos, and they think everyone should care about them. They are often very self-centered and self-absorbed, so it can feel like a real slap when ignored, they feel like you don’t care about them.

This can cause them to lash out at you and make you feel bad. Narcissists are constantly looking for evidence that they matter to people, they have fragile self-esteem and need people to think positively of them to feel worthwhile.

Narcissists need everyone to care about them, or they feel abandoned and rejected. They can’t stand that someone won’t give them attention or praise, so they do whatever they can to ensure that person does.

Read More:

What Narcissists Will Do When It’s Hard To Control You?

10 Signs A Narcissist Is Discarding You

10 Things That Make Narcissists Afraid Of You

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