7 Things That Will Happen During Narcissistic Rage

Number 1: Narcissists will experience a period of rage that is not proportional to the basis for their anger, and they may even hate the target.

When you provoke a narcissist with one of the triggers, you may expect them to mistreat you. Their rage will be so intense that you will not believe they could do such a thing to you. Worst of all, they will despise you and make you feel every bit of it. You’ll discover that everything is too much for you.

You don’t deserve any of the sufferings that come from the rage. For example, if the house has not been cleaned to a narcissist’s satisfaction, they would verbally abuse their partner for hours.

Number 2: Narcissists will provoke rage that will likely fade away quickly and never be discussed again.

Some narcissists prefer to keep their rage hidden by using silent treatment; they will eventually fade away and disappear on days when you do not speak to them. Narcissists believe that you deserve such punishment because you behave in a way that they dislike.

Number 3: Narcissists will stir anger, resulting in verbal or physical violence.

Aside from emotional manipulation, they will instigate anger and show you verbal or physical violence when they can no longer control you. Bullying, shaming, and threatening are all examples of verbal abuse. They will be unable to control their rage and resort to screaming and yelling.

They use verbal and physical abuse to intimidate their targets and demonstrate their dominance and superiority. An example is when a narcissist hits their spouse or children because they feel embarrassed in front of other people.


Narcissists And Eye Contact

Top 7 Things You Must Never Do With a Narcissist

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