7 Things That Will Happen During Narcissistic Rage


They frequently break the rules and have poor boundaries; Narcissists take pleasure in breaking the rules and social norms. If you point out that a narcissist is lying or cheating, they will respond by making you feel as if you are wrong or mistaken.

Number 5: The narcissist is requested to be accountable for their actions.

They aren’t accountable for their behavior, and blame-shifting is a common tactic to divert attention away from themselves.

Number 6: When a narcissist is exposed as a liar or manipulator.

When a narcissist is exposed as a liar or manipulator, they will pretend to be the victim. Manipulation and violence are possible outcomes after being called out in private anything that serves a suitable backlash.

Number 7: The narcissist’s sense of not being in control.

The narcissist has a solid desire to control the people in his immediate surroundings including their spouse, co-workers, friends, and neighbors. A narcissist will tighten the reins and take action to re-establish control over something, or someone in their life if there appears to be a loss of control.

When a narcissist is confronted with a setback or disappointment, narcissistic rage manifests as extreme anger aggression, or subtle hatred. The first line of defense against you could be nasty yelling, screaming, and unfounded claims.

Any minor disagreement or unpleasant remark may cause the narcissist to feel rejected or mocked. Causing far more harm than is normally caused. They may project their own emotions and thoughts onto you.


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Here are 7 things that will happen during a narcissistic rage.

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