7 Things That Will Happen During Narcissistic Rage


Here are some of the scenarios that trigger a narcissistic rage:

Number 1: The narcissist is not getting special treatment or getting their way.

They want to have their way in everything, even if it’s unreasonable. They require special treatment precisely because they are not unique, which causes them shame.

Number 2: The narcissist is criticized, no matter how constructive or accurate.

You declare open war on a narcissist when you criticize them, so if you criticize them, they’ll smear you and decide you are an enemy they need to destroy.

Number 3: The narcissist isn’t treated as the center of attention.

A narcissist must be the center of attention at all times. When they aren’t they usually do something to refocus the attention on them, whether through conflict or charm.

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Number 4: The narcissist is caught breaking the rules, violating social norms, or doing something dishonest or mean.

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