7 Things Narcissists Do When They Lose Control Of You


Number 7: Physical or Verbal Aggression.

This behavior is typically a last resort when all other manipulative tactics have failed, and the narcissist feels desperate to reassert their dominance and control. Physical aggression may include threats, intimidation, or actual physical harm, while verbal aggression often involves shouting, insults, or verbal threats. In both cases, the purpose is the same: to instill fear in the victim and force them to submit to the narcissist’s demands or control.

The use of aggression is a clear indication that the narcissist feels cornered and sees no other way to maintain their power. It is also a sign that they have lost their mask of charm and manipulation, revealing the full extent of their need for dominance. When a narcissist resorts to aggression, it is often a desperate attempt to regain control, and they may become increasingly unpredictable and dangerous. In some cases, the aggression may also take the form of coercive control, where the narcissist tries to dominate the victim’s daily life, restricting their freedom and making them feel powerless.

This kind of behavior is particularly dangerous because it can lead to escalating violence if not properly addressed. The victim may feel trapped and unable to escape the situation, especially if the aggression is combined with other forms of control, such as financial dependence or social isolation.

Therefore, it is crucial for anyone experiencing this kind of aggression to seek help and remove themselves from the situation as quickly as possible. The use of physical or verbal aggression is the final and most blatant attempt by the narcissist to regain control, and it is essential to recognize this as a clear warning sign that the situation is becoming increasingly dangerous.

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