7 Things Narcissists Do When They Lose Control Of You


Number 5: False Accusations.

This method is a form of direct attack aimed at destabilizing and confusing the victim, forcing them to defend themselves against baseless and often absurd accusations. When narcissists resort to false accusations, they not only distort reality but also create an environment where the victim constantly finds themselves on the defensive. These accusations can range from claiming that the victim is the true narcissist in the relationship to accusing them of manipulation, betrayal, or other behaviors that the victim has not engaged in.

This type of accusation is particularly insidious because it puts the victim in a position where they must prove their innocence, even though there is no real basis for such a defense. These accusations can be shocking, leaving the victim confused and uncertain about how to respond. The narcissist’s goal through this confusion and destabilization is to regain some measure of control or at least divert attention from their own inappropriate behavior. By accusing the victim, the narcissist also seeks to sow doubt about the victim’s character and credibility among others, leading to further isolation and limiting their support from outside sources.

Additionally, narcissists often project their own faults and insecurities onto the victim in these accusations. They accuse others of the very actions or intentions they harbor a tactic known as projection. This not only confuses the victim but also attempts to convince others that the victim is the one causing problems, while in reality, it is the narcissist who is causing harm. This type of manipulation is a clear strategy to undermine the victim and strengthen the narcissist’s power, ensuring that they retain control or at least avoid being seen as the real problem in the relationship dynamic.

Related: Top 10 Things That Make the Covert Narcissist Panic

Number 6: Smear Campaign.

When a narcissist realizes they are losing control over someone, one of the most malicious tactics they may employ is a smear campaign. This strategy involves spreading rumors, lies, and half-truths to discredit the victim in the eyes of friends, family, and sometimes even the broader public. The smear campaign typically begins with false accusations, as mentioned above, but expands into a systematic effort to destroy the victim’s reputation. The narcissist may tell stories that portray the victim as unstable, dishonest, or even dangerous, depending on the context and nature of the relationship.

In this way, the narcissist not only tries to regain control over the victim but also ensures that no one else wants to have anything to do with them if they can’t exert the desired influence. This tactic also serves to isolate the victim, stripping them of social and often professional support. As people around the victim begin to doubt their credibility or character, they may distance themselves or hesitate to offer necessary support, making the victim even more vulnerable to the narcissist’s control and manipulation.

Moreover, the smear campaign can provoke a defensive reaction from the victim, who, feeling attacked and misunderstood, may become more focused on defending their image than on protecting themselves from the narcissist’s manipulation. This defensive reaction can serve the narcissist’s purpose of keeping the victim entangled in the abusive dynamic.

Furthermore, narcissists are skilled at choosing the right audience for their smear campaigns, typically targeting those who are already predisposed to believe negative things about the victim or who can be easily influenced by the narcissist’s charm and persuasiveness. In this way, the smear campaign spreads like wildfire, causing extensive and often irreparable damage to the victim’s reputation.

Read more: 7 Things Narcissists Do When They Feel Unobserved

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