7 Things Narcissists Do When They Lose Control Of You


Number 3: “Accidental” Encounters.

In an attempt to regain control over a person, narcissists may resort to the tactic of “accidental” encounters. In this strategy, the narcissist meticulously plans to appear in places where they know the victim will be present. The goal is to surprise and evoke an emotional reaction by reminding the victim of their past connection and shared history, destabilizing their feelings. Narcissists are well aware of their victims’ routines and exploit this knowledge to stage these encounters as if they were coincidences.

They may choose locations like a local café, a place of worship, a park where the victim often goes for a walk, or another location that is part of the person’s daily routine. This way, the narcissist ensures that the victim cannot easily avoid the encounter.

These “accidental” encounters are designed to catch the victim off guard and exploit the emotional impact that the mere presence of the narcissist can have. Even if the person is determined to distance themselves or has already ended the relationship, the sudden appearance of the narcissist can rekindle old feelings or confusion.

Related: 7 Indicators of Mental Abuse by Narcissists

The narcissist uses these encounters to gauge the victim’s vulnerability and, in many cases, attempt to re-establish some form of connection or relationship. They might use the encounter to demonstrate change or remorse, or simply to remind the victim of the good times—all as part of a larger effort to regain influence and control.

The effectiveness of this tactic lies in the narcissist’s ability to provoke an emotional response that shakes the victim, even against their will, and possibly makes them more susceptible to other forms of manipulation. Therefore, these “accidental” encounters are a powerful tool in a narcissist’s arsenal, serving to maintain the cycle of control and abuse.

Number 4: Emotional Manipulation.

This kind of manipulation is a desperate attempt to regain control by exploiting the victim’s empathy and causing them to question their perception and reasoning. Narcissists are adept at playing with other people’s feelings, particularly those who show signs of empathy. They may portray themselves as victims of unjust circumstances or cruel treatment, depicting themselves as enduring significant hardship or suffering to gain the victim’s sympathy and motivate them to resume the relationship under new, more favorable terms for the narcissist.

In doing so, the narcissist may exaggerate or fabricate stories that paint them in a poor light, thereby eliciting the victim’s pity. This not only attempts to instill guilt in the person but also creates a narrative in which the victim feels responsible for the narcissist’s emotional well-being. This can lead the victim to believe that any decision to distance themselves would be cruel or unfair, shifting the focus from the manipulation to the victim’s emotional responsibility.

This tactic of emotional manipulation also includes moments when the narcissist displays exceptionally loving or caring behavior, only to quickly revert to cold or distant tactics as soon as they sense they have regained control. This hot-and-cold cycle is intentionally confusing and serves to emotionally destabilize the victim, increasing their dependency on the narcissist for validation and affection.

Read More:

Super Empath vs Greater Narcissist, Shocking Insights from a Real Narcissist Inside!

10 Reasons Why Narcissists Want To Harm and Destroy Other People

Revenge On The Narcissist – Here’s How You Get It

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