7 Things Narcissists Do When They Lose Control Of You


When a narcissist exerts control over a person, the tactics used are often subtle and manipulative, directly attacking the person’s sense of identity and self-worth. However, when this control begins to wane, the narcissist’s strategy changes drastically, resorting to more aggressive and overt methods to maintain their influence. It is precisely this desperate behavior that we want to examine today.

In this topic, I will outline seven typical behaviors of a narcissist when they realize they are losing control over you. We will see how their need for control, which for them is synonymous with power, manifests itself in increasingly clear and disturbing ways when they feel threatened.

I have ordered the list of behaviors in ascending order, starting with the subtler signs that appear when a narcissist feels they still have some control, up to the desperate and obvious gestures when they know they have lost all influence over you. By understanding these tactics, you will be better prepared to recognize and deal with these situations, protect your emotional well-being, and regain your autonomy.

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