6 Undeniable Signs A Narcissist Is Cheating on You


Number 3: They deny being worried about their se***ual health and largely disregard it.

But you keep getting worried about it. When you try to confront them about it, they completely change the subject and accuse you of cheating, even though they were never loyal, to begin with.

You go to the doctor because you feel sick and discover you have a sexually transmitted virus. Then, they use the discovery of your worry to make you feel guilty for cheating on them, even though you know deep down that you didn’t.

The result of this is diminished confidence and a growing sense that something is seriously wrong with your mental health. You have shown unflinching support for this person. Your faithfulness to your spouse throughout this marriage has been unwavering.

They’re the reason you’ve been able to control your urges and avoid doing anything naughty. But now they have you fooled into thinking that you have to blame for the strain on the marriage, to accuse one’s victim of being the one who attacked, and then deny that anything untoward happened.

It’s typical of those types to act in such a way. They claim credit for your efforts, then attack you, and finally blame you while claiming victim status. This is so unbelievable that it’s almost funny.

Number 4: Their se***ual behavior might change.

Perhaps there will be a rise in se***ual activity. New se**ual positions may also be introduced for use in education and practice. Top of Form Prepares for the onslaught of goods. On the other hand, the situation could flip and force you to engage in se***ual activities you’ve never tried before.

Perhaps they will settle into a pattern of chronic miserliness. The couple may wish to try out other s**x positions or have more se***ual experiences. This wasn’t always the situation though; they began to act differently and eventually began to hide it. When you put it that way, you have to start wondering.

My question is why am I experiencing these emotions? Could it be that they secretly fancy me? They are now taking their relationship seriously after realizing its significance. Or perhaps I do not understand things. They manipulate you so that you don’t suspect anything else is happening.

Just when you think things are starting to look better, they drop another bomb on you. One may assume that a person has transformed after witnessing them grow emotionally close to them after enduring a horrific event. The truth is that they want to look good in front of their possible new Supply.

Therefore, they are trying out new se**ual positions and asking for more s***x with you. They want to get them to submit by promising them a degree of se***ual pleasure they’ve never known before. Therein is the meat of the issue. And with enough repetition, they eventually learn to hold it in. Then you’ll start wondering what the heck went wrong. Could it be that I’m missing something obvious?

Moreover, did I make things better or worse? So, what exactly is going on here? Plus, you probably already know what will happen if you confront them. They blamed you for everything that went wrong. They think you’ve lost your se**ual interest in them. Perhaps you’ve altered your physical look or gained weight.

Yes, this did occur. I can’t continue working with you because of your weakness and that defect. The truth is that they are head over heels in love with this other person and couldn’t care less about you. Having reduced you to an inanimate object by their exploitation, they have abandoned you now that you are no longer useful to them.

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