6 Undeniable Signs A Narcissist Is Cheating on You


Number 1: They make it crystal clear that they will not stand for any form of dishonesty.

They’re dropping signals that they might not be who or what they claim to be. They commonly voice their distaste for liars; they talk openly about the suffering they’ve been through because of their ex’s infidelity.

First, you’ll feel more compelled to Aid them if you portray yourself as The Rescuer rather than the one in need of assistance. They’ll go on and on about it until you finally accept the fact that this person is, in fact, quite loyal. They aren’t capable of stooping to such low lengths.

In preparation for their future dishonesty, they are currently manipulating and brainwashing you. They want you to believe that this individual simply cannot make that choice. They’ll never take this path because it requires them to perform the one thing they detest the most. That’s completely counter to who they are as a group. In reality, it’s the polar opposite and a slap in the face to their dignity if you do that.

They would never do such a heinous sin. But the truth is that you’ll be just as ready for it. Instead, you find yourself believing what they say. In this way, they will always be able to say that you are wrong, regardless of what you find out about them or how compelling your proof is.

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