5 Ways Your Silence Destroys a Narcissist


Number 4: When you go silent on a narcissist, they feel insulted.

When you go silent on a narcissist, they feel insulted. Narcissists demand respect, no matter how they treat you, they want you to bow before them, they want you to act like a doormat, they want you to greet them every morning with a smile on your face, they want you to look at them and be subservient, be compliant. But when you start going silent when you stop responding to them when you stop acting like a puppet because they treat you like one, they feel insulted, their narcissistic self is extremely fragile and it gets injured.

To take revenge, they punish you by giving you more silence or by taking away things that you need for your survival. I’m talking about a scenario between a narcissistic parent and a child. I was never allowed to stay silent as a child. It’s quite natural to not want to respond or talk to the person who is constantly abusing you. It’s not just a small fight, it’s something that you cannot tolerate and you can’t escape.

So to show some rebellion, I would not respond immediately and if I did that, he would rage and come towards me, like a raging bull, to just lift me on his horns and tear me apart. Silence always meant physical abuse, you would get hit if you did not or do not respond immediately. That’s how it was in my home, that’s what I grew up around. Silence sometimes is not an option because silence, to a narcissistic parent, means defiance of the child or the partner.

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