5 Ways Your Silence Destroys a Narcissist


Their paranoia makes them believe that you are constantly planning and plotting, you are basically about to do things that they do to other people. A narcissist quite blindly thinks that everybody functions like them, which is why they don’t care about hurting people. Well, that’s one of the reasons why they don’t care, they think everybody does the same BS to each other and they move along.

It’s a normalized thing in a narcissist’s mind. So not having any power over you by not knowing what you’re up to and how you could strike them, triggers anxiety, panic, panic attacks, and a narcissist’s unpredictability is their Kryptonite as well. They can be unpredictable to you but they can’t, like your unpredictability.

Number 3: Silence is boring to a narcissist

The chaos they contain within is extreme, they have to stay distracted or otherwise, it will start consuming them. They can’t stand peace, they can’t stand calmness either and that is why they will start a fight with you without a reason. Nothing may be going on and there comes the narcissist interrogating you about something you said six months ago and why you said that and what you mean by that and you start explaining yourself, justifying yourself, defending yourself, which then eventually turns into a big argument ruining your weekends, your days, not knowing what exactly happened and what was the need of that.

Related: 7 Indicators of Mental Abuse by Narcissists

You see their internal environment needs to be in equilibrium with the external one, if there is an imbalance, of course, this is going to ooze out. That’s why they sync what is within with what is without, what is outside of them to maintain a balance. And that’s why you may have noticed once they fight with you, once they leave you distraught, they feel better. Once they argue with you and then drain out your life energy, they are okay.

The crazy thing is that they can fall asleep within seconds after fighting with you, while you are crying, trying to make sense of what just hit you, what happened. They’ll be already enjoying that slumber. It is unjust, it’s cruel and that’s why you won’t be wrong in calling a narcissist or vampire entity or a predator because they are one.

Read More:

Super Empath vs Greater Narcissist, Shocking Insights from a Real Narcissist Inside!

10 Reasons Why Narcissists Want To Harm and Destroy Other People

Revenge On The Narcissist – Here’s How You Get It

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