5 Games Narcissists Employ When You’re Hard to Control


Number 5: Spins on.

You know this move. It’s the reframing trick that narcissists love to pull when they’re caught doing something wrong and there’s no way out. They’ll spin the whole thing around to be about something completely unrelated. Suddenly, it’s like the issue isn’t even about them anymore. It’s about some other person or problem in your life.

Anything to throw you off their scent and con their way out of accountability; This move is particularly brutal if they know that the other issue or person is a hot-button topic for you. By bringing it up and reframing the situation, they can press all your emotional buttons and smack you with a double whammy of manipulation.

The key is to see through their spin zone and stay laser-focused on what they’ve done wrong. Don’t let them distract you or gaslight you into thinking you’re the one with the problem. Stay sharp, stay calm, and stay in the driver’s seat of your own reality.

So, what can we pick up from all this? Do you know what really sucks about all these twisted games? It’s how they mess with your head and leave you feeling like you’re just banging your skull against a brick wall. That’s a real thing to remember here.

Narcissists make everything about them, but the truth is, it’s about you and how you react emotionally. So many people talk about narcissists like they’re the be-all and end-all, but that’s such a false narrative. The toxic, abusive nature of these relationships is all about your emotional responses to their garbage. It’s like they’re trying to get a rise out of you and make you doubt your sanity.

The key to breaking free is recognizing what you’re feeling and how they’re trying to manipulate you. Your emotions matter and you don’t have to put up with their mess. It’s time to take back control and focus on healing yourself instead of playing their messed-up games. Now, it’s time to fight for what you deserve.

How can we fight back against these freaking narcissists and their games? First off, we need to reframe our thinking. These aren’t normal, reasonable adults we’re dealing with here. They’re practically aliens speaking a whole different language of manipulation and deceit.

They don’t care about truth or honesty. They just want to get a rise out of you. That’s it. So, don’t waste your breath trying to reason with them or be sincere. They’re not interested in anything except pushing your buttons and tearing you down.

Think of them like a swarm of killer nanobots shape-shifting into whatever freaky form they need to invoke maximum anguish in you. It’s like something out of a sci-fi horror flick. But the real-life horror show is how they slowly turn up the heat on you until you’re a melted puddle of exhaustion, ready to do whatever they want.

But you don’t have to be their zombie slave. You can fight back by recognizing their tactics and refusing to play their game. Don’t give them the emotional response they crave. Stay calm and strong, and don’t let them break you down.

Read More: The Other Type of Covert Narcissist

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