5 Games Narcissists Employ When You’re Hard to Control


Number 3: Refute and reroute.

In this game deny and distract two-step, narcissists pull off by denying they did anything wrong, even with evidence staring them in the face. They’ll even claim they never said something, but if they did, it was taken out of context. It’s legit infuriating for anyone trying to get a straight answer or some form of justice.

To make matters worse, they’ll often pivot to a different topic altogether or rehash an old wound they know will trigger a reaction in the other person. By doing this, they can dodge accountability and redirect the attention away from their dirty deeds.

This tactic can be incredibly effective in manipulating people and avoiding consequences. The key is to recognize when a narcissist is refuting and rerouting and to stay on topic.

Number 4: Mind reading tricks.

The notorious mind-reading tricks that narcissists thrive on. They’ll tell you what you know or don’t know, what you feel or don’t feel, and what you did or didn’t do, even if they weren’t even there to witness anything. This is how they trap you in their crazy reality and make it impossible for you to argue your way to a logical conclusion.

It’s like they’re playing 4D chess or something. For some people who grew up dealing with this kind of manipulation, it can trigger some serious childhood trauma and lead to breakdowns or full-blown rage episodes. And of course, the narcissist will swoop in and use that as proof that you’re the crazy one, hoping to distract everyone from their own crappy behavior.

It’s so important to recognize these games and tactics of narcissists so you can protect yourself from their twisted mind games and gaslighting. Always trust your gut and stay true to your own reality.

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