Number 2: Losing their primary source of supply.
Another thing that makes a narcissist panic is losing their primary supply before they’ve had the opportunity to secure a dependable replacement. Narcissist uses their charm, bragging, seduction, manipulation, pity, and anything in their power in order to draw people in and to obtain supply from their unsuspecting victims. Also, they are addicted to receiving this admiration and attention because it boosts their weak sense of self and their lack of self-esteem. Being without it is like a drug addict without their drug of choice. The narcissist needs this supply in order to function.
If narcissist loses their narcissistic supplies suddenly, who will be there to listen to their stories? Admire them? stroke their ego? Make them feel special? Not having a supply available to constantly fill up the emptiness they feel inside will definitely make them panic. Sure, they may have some casual supplies lined up, but if you left them unexpectedly and you were their primary supply, they may not have had the chance to secure a really good supply to take your place. This can happen in romantic relationships when their partner finally figures them out and ends a relationship before the narcissist has had a chance to go through their normal cycle of abuse which includes idolization, devaluation, and discard.
In this situation, they may have focused all of their attention on their romantic partner in an attempt to lock them in and set the foundation for the abuse they were about to receive. But maybe this partner has started noticing inconsistencies in their stories, recognized their manipulation for what it was, and decided to break it off. When this happens before the narcissist has had a chance to secure a dependable secondary supply, it can send the narcissist into a panic. You see narcissists try to meticulously plan their life so that this will never happen. They plan their life in a way in which they will never be without supply.
Related: 7 Things That Shock Narcissists To Their Core.
If you break it off unexpectedly and they don’t have a backup plan that is capable of giving them at least the same level of supply or more than you provided, well then expect them to panic. It can cause them to desperately try to hoover their partner back into the relationship, promising them the stars, moon, and sky above. Not because they love them but just because they can buy enough time to secure the proper replacement. But if for some reason they’re unsuccessful in their conquest to reconnect with the initial supply, they’ll reach out to an old supply that’s been reliable for them in the past, desperately trying to get some attention, admiration, and affection from anywhere they can find it.
A Book: Why Does He Do That?: Inside the Minds of Angry and Controlling Men.
This can be seen in a friendship when the narcissist loses their primary supply because their friend finally gets tired of their lies, silent treatment, and triangulation, and decide to suddenly cut off the friendship. You see friends of narcissists are frequently discarded when they stop serving the narcissist’s needs, but when the roles are reversed and the friend cuts them off first, the narcissists will panic.
This panic will lead them to reach out to friends they haven’t spoken to in weeks, months, or even years in attempts to desperately try to replenish the supply they so badly need. They can lose this primary supply at work, in social groups, political groups, homeowner association committees, and even at church. Anywhere where the narcissist was seen as a leader and was garnering the attention of a group of people.
If this attention is suddenly removed and the narcissist is left without any means to garner this level of attention again, (or not immediately anyway). This will cause the narcissist to panic, trying desperately to hold on to their position of power or regain a new position of power as quickly as possible.
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