3 Things That Can Make Your Silence Powerful


Number 2: It helps you to avoid saying things that can later be used against you.

Narcissists love to provoke people to get them to react. But if you remain silent, they will have nothing to use against you. Not reacting to a Narcissist is torture for them. They want you to acknowledge them, talk to them, laugh with them, and argue with them.

They just want something, but as we always say, give them nothing. Your silence and overall lack of emotional investment will starve the Narcissist out of your life.

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Number 3: It can help you regain control (Become more self-aware)

The final reason why silence is powerful when dealing with Narcissists is that it takes away their control and puts you in control not just of your environment, but your own emotions. You can be more self-aware of any emotions or feelings that arise when certain people are around.

You get to know yourself and become more in tune with not just what is happening around you but inside you. This is important because it helps you to trust yourself more when you not only observe but also listen to what your body and mind are telling you.

They hate our silence because it takes away their control and it honestly scares them. Because they know what they are up to, when they are carrying out their silent treatment, with all their plotting and scheming to bring us down. But for us, it is not even about that. We are just trying to have some peace.


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And Narcissists will never understand that, because they are all about causing chaos and confusion. They hate it when others are happy and at peace. So, it is up to us to ensure we have peace by taking control of our emotions and going no contact ideally but if not, holding our tongue or being silent around a Narcissist can save us some heartache.

In doing so, we learn to be more observant of our surroundings and ourselves, thereby developing a sense of control that will eventually eliminate the Narcissist’s control.

Read More: 10 Things That Will Hurt A Narcissist Forever

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