3 Things That Can Make Your Silence Powerful


Number 1: It allows you to read the people that are around you.

When it comes to dealing with a Narcissist, when you are silent, you will realize so much more about them than you would if you actively interact with them. Because when you are communicating with a Narcissist, they can be so animated that you miss some blatant red flags.

And they put you on such an emotional rollercoaster that leaves you drained and out of touch with your intuition. Their fake personality and blabbering distract them from sensing the evil that lies beneath.

Read More:

What Narcissists Will Do When It’s Hard To Control You?

10 Signs A Narcissist Is Discarding You

10 Things That Make Narcissists Afraid Of You

So, when you are silent, and not interacting with them, you can observe more and spot any inconsistencies in their personality and just how they relate to different people. This is an important skill, especially when you are in a new place or meeting new people, it is always best to observe. Watch and listen.

Do not be quick to credit anyone or get chummy with anyone, let them do the talking. They do tell on themselves you just need to pay attention. It should take a few rounds of being in this person’s presence before you come to any conclusions, but your first instinct is usually right.

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