3 Things That Can Make Your Silence Powerful


That is why who you are silent around is important but also your attitude. Silence with positivity or tranquility is what you should be aiming for Because if you are silent but tense or visibly angry, the Narcissist can and will feed off that negativity. Silence can say so much and being accompanied by a Negative attitude will not benefit your emotional health.

And if it is done around the Narcissist, they will know that they are the cause of your negativity, which means there is still an emotional investment there that they can manipulate. But if you are, what I call, cheerfully silent meaning there is no negativity and you can ignore the Narcissist and not be bothered by their presence or what they say, this is when the Narcissist knows they have lost you.

The peace or joy that you have accompanied by your silence is what will disarm the Narcissist. And there are still more benefits to being silent, which is what I want to get into today.

So, we have 3 more reasons why Silence is the key to protecting you from Narcissists and how it can also help you to detect any new narcissists or toxic individuals who may come along later on.

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