2 Things a Covert Narcissist Doesn’t Want You To Know


The gray rock method of ignoring the narcissist is very effective as a result because it leaves them vulnerable and unsure. When you gray rock a covered narcissist, they will stop trying to provoke you and instead go back to love-bombing you. When you gray stone, they feel like they’re losing you, the love you have for them, the attraction, and the relationship.

That is the last thing they want. And that is why they go into a self-destruct mode when you walk away from a knot by ending a relationship. You have removed a life source. You are trying to kill them, so they must destroy you quickly while finding another source of supply.

The covert narcissist is patient and strategic in their plans to destroy you and is more likely to manipulate others to do the attacks. This is where the flight monkeys will come in. They try to get you to feel like you are the one who has done the narcissist wrong.

You see, in the mind of the covert narcissist, nothing they did could ever warrant you discarding them. No matter how mean and dismissive they may have been of you, you should have put up with it instead of leaving because being alone is a covert narcissist’s worst nightmare.

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