Number 9: “You’re jealous.”
Why does this make them angry? Because telling them this is another truth. The narcissist is jealous. They’re jealous when they see someone—it depends on the type of narcissist. If you’re dealing with a narcissist who pays attention to their appearance and sees someone who dresses better, and wears better band rands, they’ll be jealous in the sense that they’ll want to have what the other person has, but they won’t admit it because admitting it would show weakness, that they’re inferior.
So they’ll start to engage in narcissistic rage and projection, saying, “They’re jealous of me.” You might be dealing with a narcissist who doesn’t care about clothing or appearance. In that case, you might have a narcissist who’s focused on intellect or education. If you show them that someone is more knowledgeable than them, they’ll start to say, “No, they’re the ones who don’t understand anything. They’re pretentious; they’re arrogant.” They’ll start to rage because you’ve broken their sense of superiority. For them, their existence depends on being the best.
Number 10: “You’re not the center of the world.”
You’re not the center of the world. “I’m going to take care of myself today; I don’t need you anymore.” This will anger them because, as we’ve said before, the narcissist wants to be the center of attention. They want to be the most important person, especially in their relationships. So when you tell them, “You’re not the center of my world,” they’ll panic. They’ll feel like they’ve lost control over you.
Number 11: “You’re lying.”
A narcissist hates being caught in a lie because, as we’ve mentioned, they live in a fantasy world. They create lies to maintain their illusion of grandeur, and if you catch them in a lie, you’re attacking their entire self-image. This will make them defensive, and they’ll try to turn the situation around by accusing you of being the liar.
Number 12: “I don’t need you.”
The narcissist thrives on making others dependent on them, on feeling needed. If you tell them, “I don’t need you,” you’re taking away their power, and this will infuriate them because they rely on others’ dependency to feel important.
Number 13: “I’m happy without you.”
Telling them this is like delivering the ultimate blow. It tells them that you’ve broken free from their control, that they no longer have power over you, and that you can find happiness on your own. This devastates their ego, and they will react strongly because it goes against everything they believe about themselves and their importance.
Read More: 5 Ways To Win Against a Narcissist
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