10 Ways Narcissists Destroy Your Relationships


Number 9: Narcissists will Gaslight You by denying reality.

Gaslighting is a form of emotional abuse that causes victims to question their sanity. It can be tough to recognize when you’re experiencing it. Common signs would include your constantly second-guessing yourself, and doubting your judgment.

You feel like you’re always walking on eggshells around them because they get so upset over small things. This is a very effective form of manipulation because it makes you question your sanity. The Narcissist will tell you that your memory is wrong; that what happened was not their fault, or that it didn’t happen.

The more they do this, the more confused and uncertain you’ll feel about what happened and what they remember. You’ll start to doubt yourself and wonder if you’re going insane.

Number 10: Narcissists will leave you with emotional scars from abuse.

They destroy relationships by using people for their gain and discarding them when they are no longer useful. Aside from being verbally and physically abusive, they are known for being emotionally abusive. The abuse they leave creates lasting scars, making it difficult to trust others in the future.

Narcissistic abuse can be hard to recognize because it’s often disguised as love. Aside from the severe impact, this could create on relationships with other people, it may even cause depression. You’ll start to believe that being treated poorly is normal, especially if you’ve been conditioned by the abuser to think any feelings other than those of adoration are unacceptable.

It’s crucial to remember that you are not responsible for someone else’s behavior and that you can control how other people treat you. You are only responsible for yourself, and how you react to these difficult situations. Remember that you deserve a healthy, loving relationship, where your partner treats you well.

Read More: 7 Things Narcissists Will Do When You Go No Contact

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