10 Ways Narcissists Destroy Your Relationships


Number 7: Narcissists destroy your confidence.

They destroy your relationship by destroying your confidence too. They will always find something wrong with you and ensure you know it, they’ll tell you that your hair looks horrible, or that your workout clothes aren’t flattering enough.

Narcissists do it in front of other people, so you look even worse than they think you already do. Your confidence is one of the most essential parts of your relationship. How can you be confident in your relationship if you’re not confident in yourself? How can you trust your partner if you don’t believe in yourself?

They will tear down every good thing about you, and make you feel like nothing compared to them. Worst case, they may also try to convince you that no one else would want to be in a relationship with someone like you.

Number 8: Narcissists won’t take responsibility for their actions.

When you’re in a relationship with a narcissist, you may notice that they tend to blame everyone else for their problems. In addition, they often deflect responsibility onto others by saying things like “If only my parents hadn’t maltreated me when I was younger”, or “If only my partner wasn’t so stubborn”.

And they also, tend to make excuses for their behavior, by blaming their actions on you. They never take responsibility for their actions, which makes it difficult to move on from them.

This is a common trait of narcissists, and it can devastate your relationship. If they don’t break up with you, they’ll tell you it’s because you weren’t good enough, or because they don’t have time for a relationship.

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