10 Ways Narcissists Destroy Your Relationships


Number 5: Narcissists make false promises.

They can be very charming and know how to say the right things at the right time, they may tell you they want a long-term relationship with you, or to settle down and start a family with you. A narcissist will just use your relationship as a means to an end.

They are not loyal to anyone but themselves, so they will always take advantage of you, while they have the chance. They trick you by making false promises, they’ll promise you the world and when you give them power, they destroy everything that was once special in your life.

Narcissists May promise that they’ll be better, but they never are. And if you try to hold them accountable, they’ll just blame it on something else. Be careful confronting narcissists about their broken promises, they may become defensive or lash out at you.

Number 6: Narcissists leave you isolated.

Suppose you are in a relationship with a narcissist, they don’t want interference and their relationships with other people. In that case, they ensure you have no friends or family members around who could support or help you.

When your partner is a narcissist, it’s not just your relationship that suffers. It’s also, your social life, family relationships, and other connections to the outside world. Narcissists thrive on power; they tend to destroy those who love those most, their loved ones.

They can be so controlling that they isolate their partners from any support system they might have. Leaving them alone with the narcissist, they do everything they can to cut you off from other people, they may use jealousy as a tool, or be so emotionally abusive that you don’t feel safe reaching out to others.

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