10 Ways Narcissists Destroy Your Relationships


Number 3: Narcissists decrease your self-esteem by making you feel unworthy.

They are known for their inability to see other people for who they are. Narcissists don’t value other people’s opinions or feelings; they certainly don’t care about yours. They make others feel like they’re nothing like they’re worthless and incapable of making decisions on their own.

With this, it can be hard to find the strength to leave, because they make you feel like you don’t deserve anything better, than what they give you. In the end, narcissists destroy your self-esteem by making you feel unworthy.

Number 4: Narcissists take control of your life.

They don’t just want to be in relationships with you, they want to be in control of every aspect of your life, they want to know where you are, who you’re with, and what you’re doing. Narcissists want to dictate how much time you spend with others, and how much you spend with them.

Your needs and wants will always come second to theirs. Narcissists will try to create an environment, where you only think about what they want and how they feel. They will try to make everything about them, or get help from anyone else.

They want to dominate your life and do whatever they can to ensure you’re under their thumb. They’ll take over your finances, career, and hobbies if they have the opportunity. Narcissists want to decide what you do with every single minute of your day.

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