10 Ways Narcissists Destroy Your Relationships


Number 1: Narcissists lie to you about almost everything.

They make you believe they are the most powerful, kind, and generous people. Well, they might be, but only because they’re lying to you. They want to ensure they can keep up the act of being a great person in front of everyone else.

Narcissists will often lie about their accomplishments, past relationships, and even their intentions toward you, they will tell you what they think will make you happy, or what they think you want here even if it’s false. Narcissists lie to you about almost everything, they’ll tell you that they love you, but they don’t.

They’ll say they want to spend more time with you, but they’re too busy for you. Narcissists say they care about your feelings, but really, they don’t. It’s easy to get caught up in their lives. After all, who wouldn’t want someone who says all the right things? But if you’re wondering how narcissists destroy your relationships, look no further than their lies.

Number 2: Narcissists blame you for their problems.

If you’re in a relationship with a narcissist, you have probably experienced this; they still make it seem like all of their problems are your fault. It doesn’t matter if they cheated on you, stole from your bank account, or lied about something. It should always appear that it’s always your fault.

Narcissists are self-centered individuals; they’ll constantly blame you for their problems even when it’s clear that you’re not to blame, they’ll always have a way of making things your fault. Also, if narcissists are feeling insecure, you didn’t compliment them enough.

If they are having trouble at work, you didn’t give them the right advice. And if they argued with their friend, it was because you were jealous of that friend and made them upset. You’ll probably constantly apologize for things that are not your fault in your relationship.

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