10 Things To Break Free from Narcissist Control


Number 5: Seek Help And Support From Trusted Family And Friends.

Narcissists want to isolate you from your family and friends, so you may not have seen them in a long time. The narcissist may have turned you against them by spreading fear and lies. Don’t be afraid to reach out and reconnect with people you trust. Surround yourself with goodness and healthy individuals who will support you.

Number 6: Stay Away And Remind Yourself Every Day.

When reality sets in, it may be tempting to go back. After leaving a narcissist, always make sure you stay away. The good times you remember were likely lies. Narcissists are good at pretending to be someone they’re not. No matter how many chances you give, the result will always be the same. Dealing with a narcissist is like riding a rollercoaster — the highs, lows, twists, and turns are predictable.

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Number 7: Make A List Of The Bad Things They Ever Did To You.

Narcissists will always find ways to get what they need from you. After the breakup, keep a list of the terrible things they did to you. When the narcissist tries to communicate with you, read that list. This may bring back negative emotions, but keep in mind that it was real. Fuel empathy for yourself, and treat yourself better.

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