10 Things To Break Free from Narcissist Control


Number 3: Set Healthy Boundaries And Don’t Give Them Chances.

This step is a crucial one toward breaking free from a narcissist’s control. Set healthy boundaries and stop giving them chances. They have plenty of excuses, so you should stand firm. If something happens once, give a warning, but if it happens again, it’s a pattern. Narcissists thrive on controlling the terms, so never risk giving them another chance to hurt you. You never know when your chances will run out.

Number 4: Don’t Be Deceived By Their Flattery And Pleading Sob Stories.

A narcissist’s goal is to create an environment where the abused victim feels pressured to stay. Suddenly, the relationship seems like everything you wanted, or you are too tired and afraid to leave. Narcissists will play with your emotions and use extreme flattery to keep you from leaving.

Related: 7 Indicators of Mental Abuse by Narcissists

When a narcissist begins to manipulate you again, be aware. They’ll tug at your heartstrings to persuade you to stay. They’ll start to apologize and create drama out of your shared history. They will switch between being a savior, a persecutor, and a victim. Remember, the best choice is to leave and never look back.

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